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Book - Making Sauerkraut and Pickled Vegetables at Home

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Price: $13.14
Item Number: BK120377
Making Sauerkraut and Pickled Vegetablesby Klaus Kaufmann and Annelies Schoneck

A handbook to lactic-acid fermentation, the ancient and proven preservation method. Lactic acid-fermented vegetables are both great tasting and a component of natural healing. Covers the history of lactic-acid fermentation


  • About fermented taste
  • How to fermented vegetables
  • How to use fermented products in creative recipes
  • Why fermented produxcts keep us healthy and rejuvenated

    The how-to section is indepth with lists of supplies needed, and step by step instructions, including tips on using a water sealed crock. The recipes are diverse covering many vegetables, herbs, and spices.

    Contains recipes for making as well as using sauerkraut in tasteful dishes.

    6-1/2" X 8-8/2" Softcover - 60 pages

    Did you know?

  • Sauerkraut eliminates disease-causing bacteria and reintroduces friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus, to the digestive system
  • Lactic acid-fermented foods contain potent enzymes that boost metabolism
  • Lactic acid-fermented recipes are excellent for those with lactose intolerance and weakened digestive systems.
  • Lactic acid-fermented foods are a useful part of holistic cancer therapy Sauerkraut contains substances that improve sleep patterns, lower blood pressure, and strengthen the heart

    The health section starts with Hippocrates stating the need for our nourishment to be curative and our cures to be nourishing. What an apt description of lactic-acid fermented vegetables - medicine from the kitchen to be sure.

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