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Book - Brew Chem 101

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Price: $14.95
Item Number: BK669403
Brew Chem 101 - The Basics of Home Brewing Chemistry

By Lee W. Janson, Ph.D.,M.D.
The author is uniquely qualified to explain the science that goes into making beer, which are simple chemical reactions. He is a home-brewer, certified beer judge and holds a doctorate in biological sciences and biochemistry.

Brew Chem 101 is a book about beer chemistry written in non-technical language in a very readable style and with helpful diagrams,. As the author points out, any brewer can understand the basic details of the life of a yeast and what produces those annoying off-flavors. The chemical reactions at each stage of brewing are explained. Understanding what exactly is going on helps to avoid potential problems. Finally, the book concludes with a primer on beer tasting and judging.

Steer away from common mistakes in taste, fermentation and alcohol content and use your newfound knowledge to successfully brew your most delicious beer yet.
  • Paperback
  • 117 Pages
  • 6" x 9"    

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